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Home » MOBILE MASSAGE- Compassionate Care

MOBILE MASSAGE- Compassionate Care

MOBILE MASSAGE must be booked by CALL OR TEXT ONLY (no email):

403 – 969 – 0226

I travel throughout Lethbridge (city limits) to your home, hospital room, hospice, long-term home or treatment facility. The intention is to provide comfort, relaxation and rest from pain and emotional stress. I work where you are most comfortable ; wheelchair, recliner, couch, bed or hospital bed.

Everyone – young and old – may benefit from this therapeutic touch. A physician’s note is not required. If I am arriving at a public facility such as a hospice, you will need to advise the management/medical health team of my arrival.

Mobile Massage Therapy is 20-30 minutes in length and is offered for $75.00 (tax included). Longer treatments that may require a massage table (such as lymph massage) is a 60 minute booking for $125.00 (tax included). Please note: There is no direct insurance billing available for mobile massage treatments. You are provided a receipt to submit to insurance from me after the therapeutic massage treatment. Payment via cash or etransfer is appreciated within one (1) week after the massage therapy mobile treatment.

If you have any questions or wish to book a mobile compassionate care massage therapy session, kindly call or text: 403-969-0226.

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